Sessions begin with what baby needs

If I arrive and baby is sleeping or nursing, that is totally fine! I start by chatting and getting to know you and love to hear all about sweet babe's arrival. Not many of us instantly feel comfortable in front of a camera, so I like to ease people in and build a relationship with you first. During this sweet session, mama and baby were nursing when dad let me in, so we just began there. I love documenting that bond that occurs between a mama and a baby during feedings and also document sweet details like babe's hand around your fingers or their little toes. Feedings can last a long time at this age and that is totally fine! I work pretty quickly and will have plenty of time to get the rest of the photos you'd love to have. During a feeding, I also take the opportunity to document any special toys, heirlooms, details in the room that signify a special phase of life. If baby doesn't have a nursery of their own, that's ok too!

Let's get all of you together!

If baby started with a feed and change, then we will move on to documenting all of you together. If baby is ready when I come into your home, then we will likely start here together first. Sessions are truly baby led and each session happens in a little different order, yet the results are about the same. You aquire the most precious photos of baby on their own, with each of you, with any siblings, and in those little activities you do together in the earliest days of the life.

Dad gets a turn too

I often go on and on about how special and unique Motherhood is, yet I've watched my partner become a dad and that is pretty cool too. His journey through Fatherhood has been no less significant than mine. Parenting is hard AF. Best advice we ever got in those early days was, "nothing you say to each other counts after 7pm". Ha! But seriously...this phase is full of sleep deprivation and so much change! Both of your journey's deserve to be documented.

Next, You Might Do An Activity Together

Some families let baby do some tummy time, others read a book, some put on a record and dance together, others have a parent play an instrument or make coffee, or this time might focus more on an older sibling's activities and baby just follows along for the ride.

Your Baby Gets Some Solo Images Too

Some babies just want to be held during the whole session and that is ok. If that is the case, I will do a bit of time focused on baby in a variety of holds and from a variety of perspectives. If you want some with a different outfit or just a diaper or even naked, this time is great for that. If baby is comfortable and willing, we can place baby in a bassinet or on a large bed or even on a blanket or carpet for some portraits of just them. This is a great time to incorporate any special items like handmade blankets or heirlooms.

We often change locations in your home for new lighting and a variety in your images.

From babie's room (if there is one) to the parents room to a playroom (if older siblings) to living rooms or even the kitchen or outside, there are so many ways to gain gorgeous images of you all in the comfort of your home. If we move rooms, I may gather everyone together again for more sweet snuggly images together.

Clothing Changes Are A Great Way To Add Variety

This family changed baby a few times since baby was pretty chill. We used that dreamy window light in their living room and just placed baby on the floor for this next series.

A Newborn Session Typically Takes Just Around An Hour!

All of these images occurred in only about an hour! Baby Isla had a few outfits changes, a diaper change, and about three or four feedings during that hour. All totally normal! Even though baby is usually around two weeks old in a newborn session, you know your baby best. I follow your lead and babies lead and will give you choices in what we do and where we go. These sessions are about the relationships you are all growing together and the rapid shifts in identity that occur at this time. If I am able to reflect back how you feel about each other or even show you a new side of yourself that you haven't been able to see yet, mission accomplished! In the case of Baby Isla and her sweet parents, we documented in one more room as I was on my way out as we just had to document with that great wall art, the surfboard, and the instruments!